Final Project Proposal
Hi guys, welcome back.
So... we've survived this semester lol and now it's time to talk business again.
For this Final, I wanted to talk about something a bit closer to my heart and try and get a bit more personal.
I'm going to be creating an installation about the origin/meaning behind my tattoo and how its meaning has developed over the years.
In terms of the installation itself, I'm still quite a bit fuzzy. I feel like I've tried to be experimental in the past projects in terms of how I've presented projects, like using my car or turning an entire classroom into the exhibit, and maybe for this project I'll try to keep things a bit more lowkey.
I'm considering laying out blankets and possibly cushions and make a pseudo "I'm having a sleep over at my friend's house" when you were six vibe. Basically, I want this project to feel like a heart to heart conversation or just a bit more "real".
I might try and do something creative in regards to projecting onto my own body and maybe try overlaying stuff with my actual tattoo, but I'm not sure about the functionality of that quite yet.
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